How can I debug CIFS communication to the back end SMB / CIFS Share ? I have a slow samba server swift may time out upon first connection.
To change the timeout for a connection you can edit the webnetwork.lax file and find the following line:
(your line may or may not look like this, this is just an example to help locate the line in the webnetwork.lax file) -Xms64m -Xmx256m -Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\temp\stoneware5/bin/endorsed
Add the following to the end of the line :
-Djcifs.smb.client.responseTimeout=30000 -Djcifs.smb.client.soTimeout=40000
To see the debug you can enable the jCIFS debug in the 8090 console of the loader.
There is an Enable checkbox on the Settings tab. webNetwork will need to be restarted to activate the setting.
Keywords CIFS, debug, webnetwork.lax