For webNetwork below The ftp server needs to be put in standard Unix format for output. You set the pseudo_server_flag=1 to put it in Unix mode.
For webNetwork and higher, set that flag to 0 for the Default Netware format.
Below is a typical config file. You may very well have a newer config file, this should be used as a general guide.
#FTPSERVER Configuration File
#Format: A comment line starts with #
#Each Configuration Parameter is in a single line of form
#List of Configuration Parameters with their Values:
#IP address of the host on which FTP Server is being loaded. If parameter
#not specified, it binds to the local host
#The public IP address to be exposed in a passive reply to FTP clients. This
#address need not to be bound to the NetWare server. It usually binds
#to a NAT device which routes between a private FTP server and a public FTP client.
#If remarked out or set to, FTP server uses the HOST_IP_ADDR.
#Port Number to which FTP Server should bind and listen for connection
#requests. Port Number Range = 1-65535
#If not within the specified range, it binds to the default port 21
#Maximun number of ftp sessions. Default value is 30
#Time duration in seconds for which the session can remain idle
#Default value is 600
#Specify YES to allow only Secure Connections and NO to allow both
#Secure and Insecure Connections. Default Value is NO
#FTP Servers Default NameSpace. Default value is LONG
#Data buffer size specifies the size in kilobytes for transfer buffer.
#This parameter value can be set based on availability of system memory.
#The default value is 64 kilobytes. The range allowed is 4 kilobytes
#to 1020 kilobytes.
#Keep Alive timeout (in minutes) closes connections which may be broken on one
#side. This can be varied depending on the usage of the FTP Service. Typically
#10 minutes is sufficient, but in cases with frequently broken connections (as
#is common with dial-up connections), the timeout can be decreased to clear
#broken connections faster. Some FTP clients may process keep alive packets
#incorrectly, in which case the timeout can be increased or disabled to allow
#longer sessions without a keep alive check. The range allowed is 5 minutes to
#120 minutes. Any value less than 0 min will be taken as 0 (zero) which means
#no keep alive check will be done. Any value between 1 and 4 min (both
#inclusive) or greater than 120 min will be taken as 120 min. Default value
#is 10
#Path of welcome banner file. Default value is sys:/etc/welcome.txt
#Message File Name. Default value is message.txt
#Minimum Port Number for Passive Connection. Default value is 1
#Maximum Port Number for Passive Connection. Default value is 65534
#Pseudo-Server flag parameter specifies how the Netware FTP server should
#simulate Unix FTP server behavior. It can take decimal values from 0-3
#(both inclusive). This value is converted to binary format and each bit
#is assigned a behavior. The LSB (least significant bit) denotes the
#format that the permissions should be sent to the FTP client during a
#directory listing. If it is set to 1, Unix-like format is sent. By
#default the permissions are sent in NetWare trustee rights format. The
#previous bit to LSB denotes the reply string that is sent for ’SYST’
#command. If it is set to 1, the string will be ’UNIX Type: L8’. By
#default it is ’NETWARE Type: L8’. Default Value is 0
#File Permissions parameter specifies the Pseudo permissions displayed for
#files in the FTP client. This does not impact the actual trustee rights
#available for the files in any way. This parameter is taken into
#consideration only when the PSEUDO_SERVER_FLAG parameter’s LSB is set to
#1. (i.e. when it’s decimal value is 1 or 3). Otherwise this is ignored.
#The value must be a three digit octal value.
#Maximum value is 777. Default value is 644
#Directory Permissions parameter specifies the Pseudo permissions displayed
#for directories in the FTP client. This does not impact the actual trustee
#rights available for the files in any way. This parameter is taken into
#consideration only when the PSEUDO_SERVER_FLAG parameter’s LSB is set to
#1. (i.e. when it’s decimal value is 1 or 3). Otherwise this is ignored.
#The value must be a three digit octal value.
#Maximum value is 777. Default value is 755
#Server where the default home of users is present. If not specified
#it stays on the local server. Specify the server name only
#Default home directory of the user. Default value is sys:/public
#Specifies whether to ignore home directory if it is on remote server
#and stay on the local server. Default value is NO
#Specifies whether to ignore home directory and stay on default directory.
#Default value is NO
#Default FTP Context specifies the default context in which the users
#will be searched. Specify this as fully distinguished name (FDN).
#If you do not set the default FTP context, the bindery context of the server,
#if available, is set as default FTP context, otherwise the context of the
#server object is used.
#Search list has a list of full DN names of containers separated by
#commas, from where the search should start for users. Maximum number of
#containers allowed is 30. The value should not exceed 2048 bytes. If you
#do not set any search containers, search will start from the server’s
#default context.
#FTP Catalog object name (used for Contextless login). Applicable only
#for Netware 5.X servers. Default value is ftpcat
#Path of FTP user restrictions file. Default value is sys:/etc/ftprest.txt