How can I speed up the creation of objects? I have directory caching enabled, and I also have several LDAP indexes. Am I missing something?
Webnetwork is only as fast as your directory is. There are many different tuning techniques that you can use depending on the size of your eDirectory tree.
Directory caching is only useful for users logging into webNetwork. What this does is cache their user object information for a period of time. When webNetwork needs some info for that user, it checks the time stamps in the cache vs the time stamps in the directory and if they have not changed, then it reads it out of cache.
The LDAP indexes can help tremendously on LDAP Reads, this can indirectly help writes if the application needs to re read the data prior to the write.
On the stoneware website, there is a tool in the download section that can help you get some numbers for ldap searches so that if you choose to do some of the tweaks on the Novell support site for tuning you can see if it helps. There are also some good references at under the session catalog. They had several classes this year on large eDirectory servers and LDAP.
If you are not using a login policy, then you want to make sure that you have an index set up on each LDAP server for eDirectory attribute ’Internet email address’ The normal login to webnetwork does a LDAP lookup for cn=someuser or mail=someuser. After one of the eDirectory updates, the OR in LDAP searches (not just webNetwork) almost always fails if you do not have an index for each of the attributes being searched.
Also, another area to look at to increase LDAP performance is to read up on Predicate Data, which shows the count of the attributes being searched. That way you can see what other attributes you might need an index on. Remember that an Index is only specific to the LDAP server. Thus if you use multiple LDAP servers for failover, you need to make sure you that the index is the same on each server.
One thing to check is that you do not have LDAP referrals configured to redirect a failed eDir search to and other eDir LDAP server.
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