The customer is trying to connect to a windows server 2008 domain controller and is getting :
javax.naming.AuthenticationNotSupportedException: [LDAP: error code 8 - 00002028: LdapErr: DSID-0C0901FC, comment: The server requires binds to turn on integrity checking if SSL\TLS are not already active on the connection, data 0, v1772 ]
Currently webnetwork is not configured to handle this new requirement. Some workarounds are to change a registry setting on the dc to disable LDAP signing.
Browse to the HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows
CurrentVersionAdmin-DebugADsOpenObjectFlags key on the client that
is running the administrative tool. Create a DWORD entry called
ADsOpenObjectFlags and set it to one of the following values:
1 To disable LDAP signing
2 To disable LDAP encryption
3 To disable both LDAP signing and LDAP encryption
Also, read the following article on making these changes with MMC