How do I install the wnssoclient on windows server 2003, 2008/2012?
For windows 2003:
Copy the wnssoclient.exe and swssolibrary.dll files the c:\windows\system32\ directory on the windows 2003 terminal server.
On the stoneware relay:
Edit the c:\stoneware\config\allowhosts file and add the IP of the Terminal Server to allow it to connect to that relay.
For windows 2008/2012:
First thing is to copy the wnssoclient.exe and swssolibrary.dll file to a directory on the windows 2008 terminal server. This can not be in the WINDOWS directory structure.
In this example, we will use the c:\util\wnssoclient folder.
Drop the 2 files in there.
Next, you need to make sure that wnssoclient.exe is allowed to be run.
Go to the TS RemoteApp Manager and allow c:\util\wnssoclient\wnssoclient.exe, since this program will have parameters, it needs to be set to unrestricted for Arguments.
On the stoneware relay:
Edit the c:\stoneware\config\allowhosts file and add the IP of the Terminal Server to allow it to connect to that relay.
If you have or higher you can go to your SystemConfig object, which is located in your stoneware container under tree root, and put the path to your wnssoclient6.exe file. If you do this then you do not have to do any of the registry settings on the TS server.
*** Skip these if you have or higher ***
Then because of the changes in application launching in server 2008/2012 via a TS session, wnssoclient.exe needs to be added to the App Path.
Open regedit on 2008/2012 server and go to
Hkey_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths
Add a new key called wnssoclient.exe
Modify the (default) to be c:\util\wnssoclient\wnssoclient.exe
and add a REG_SZ(String value) called Path with a value of c:\util\wnssoclient;
Once this is done, then the wnssoclient should function properly on server 2008/2012.
To test wnssoclient, from a command prompt on the terminal server type wnssoclient and press enter. You should get a pop-up that says "The required command line arguments were not specified." This indicates that the wnssoclient is functioning properly.
If you are using webNetwork 6 then the agent is wnssoClient6.exe to represent the change needed for webNetwork 6.
With either 2003 or 2008/2012 if things work with the admin account but not a users account to make sure that the .exe and the supporting .dll are allowed to be run by non-administrators.
** If you edit the registry on 2008/2012 and still can not get wnssoclient to work, you may have to right click on My Computer, choose properties, advanced system settings, Environment Variables, and add c:\util\wnssoclient to the System Variables PATH line.
Just look at what is there, and go to the end of the PATH and add ;c:\util\wnssoclient
** The wnSSOClient files can be found in
Please also make sure that all users have access to run wnssoclient.exe, if each user can not launch this then it will not work and you will get errors like : This initial program cannot be started c:\Util\wnSSOClient6.exe