The customer has had webNetwork for many years and wants to go to the new profile but does not know icons are being used on a clean install. Do you have a list of the icons used for a new install?
Under webAdmin / Customization center / Upgrade Center at the bottom of the page is an Upgrade button to help fix some of the common links.
Path is images/icons/some_graphic.png
By having it set to images/icons it will pull the graphics from the stoneware/webserv-sec/<profile>/images/icons folder so you can have different sized icons for each profile.
This also means if you use this method that the same named icons need to be in any other profiles that are used by users.
Polling : my_polls.png
News and Alerts : news_and_alerts.png
Teacher App : lanschool.png
Student App : lanschool.png
New Features : new_features.png
My Files : webStorage.png
Kiosk-mode Web Browser : web_browser.png
My Calendar : calendar.png
My Blog : my_blog.png
webStorage : webStorage.png
Collaboration : collaboration.png
PersonalVNC : remote_desktop.png
System Check : system_check.png
dashboard : dashboard.png
Folder Monitor : folder_monitor.png
Remote Help : remote_help.png
Image Challenge : image_challenge.png
Password Challenge : password_reset.png
Change Password : change_password.png
Password Mgr : password_managet.png
Personal RDP : remote_desktop.png
Account Info : account_info.png
Logout : logout.png
Publishing : document_publishing.png
Change Account Info : change_account_info.png
Relay Debug Viewer : debug_viewer.png
teamPages : teamPages.png
Admin Doc : documentation.png
Component Manager : component_manager.png
webAdmin : webadmin_dashboard.png
MobileChangePass : mobile_change_password.png
Report Builder : report_builder.png
Generic Reports : chart_line.png | chart_pie.png | report.png | clock.png | error_report.png | chart_bar.png | account_info.png | log_search.png
Form Builder : form_builder.png