The customer is using MS AD and is in the stoneware management console and did a DNS Test. The following Errors were given.
INFO: Attempting to locate a domain controller in DNS for domain:
ERROR: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: DNS name not found [response code 3]; remaining name ’’
At least one error occurred during testing.
INFO: Attempting to locate a domain controller in DNS for domain:
INFO: exploring forest using domain controller:
ERROR: javax.naming.CommunicationException:
[Root exception is Connection timed out: connect]
At least one error occurred during testing.
The 1st error means that when we ask the DNS server for the Domain controllers for the domain we were sent and we tried to resolve that in DNS and it was not listed. This can come from an old server being decommissioned but not fully taken out of DNS.
The 2nd error means that we asked for the Domain Controllers for the domain and were told to use We resolved that to
We then tried to connect to port 636 since directory services was set to use SSL in the 8090 management console. When we tried to connect we were unable to. This can be due to a bad DNS record, the
server being down, the server not having been rebooted after adding the Certificate Authority to the tree, or communication blocked to this server.