How can I find what policies are set on a machine based on logging into my companies domain ?
Start, Run, rsop.msc
This will load the snap in and allow you to see what policies are applied to the workstation.
Other handy tools :
gpedit.msc - Edit group policies
dcgpofix.exe - Group Policy Restore
gpupdate.exe - Group Policy Refresh
rendom.exe - Rename a domain ( )
lockoutstatus.exe - Find locked out users
dsadd.exe - With the dsadd command, you can create computer, contact, group, OU, user and quota objects. To view the attributes you can set when creating an object, run "dsadd <type> /?" from the command line where <type> is one of the object types dsadd supports (e.g., user).
dsget.exe - With the dsget command, you can view the attributes of computer, contact, subnet, group, OU, site, server, user, quota, and partition objects. To view the attributes you can display for an object type, run "dsget <type> /?" from the command line where <type> is one of the object types dsget supports (e.g., ou).
dsmod.exe - With the dsmod command, you can modify computer, contact, group, OU, user, server, quota and partition objects. To view the attributes you can set when modifying an object, run "dsmod <type> /?" from the command line where <type> is one of the object types dsmod supports (e.g., computer).
dsmove.exe - The dsmove command allows you to move objects within a domain.
dsrm.exe - The dsrm command allows you to remove individual objects or containers and all child objects.
dsquery.exe - With the dsquery command, you can search Active Directory for specific object types (computer, contact, subnet, group, OU, site, server, user, quota, and partition objects). View the help information for each object type (e.g., run "dsquery user /?") to see the attributes you can search on. You can also perform generic LDAP queries using the "dsquery *" command.