Debug Client Side SSO

Debug Client Side SSO

The default action is : document.forms[0].submit();

A way to debug is to add an Alert : alert( ’form triggered’ ); document.forms[0].submit();


If inputs are in script we don’t see them when the page comes through the relay. webNetwork takes the page and parses it out into html tags, since they are script writing the input fields on the fly, they are not "officially" there.
Thus we would have to add them ourselves.

Force the values:


If the form is submitting to a script instead of just submitting to a url.

form name="LoginForm" action="/guardian/home.html" method="POST" target="_top" ="doStudentLogin(this);" is what the page would do.

The script would then be : doStudentLogin(document.forms[0]);


Sometimes a form wants to see the x and y from the submit button. Because we are not really clicking on the submit button, we have to add those.

var xfield = document.createElement( ’input’ );
xfield.type = ’hidden’; = ’x’;
xfield.value = ’20’;
document.forms[0].appendChild( xfield );
var yfield = document.createElement( ’input’ );
yfield.type = ’hidden’; = ’y’;
yfield.value = ’20’;
document.forms[0].appendChild( yfield );

So then the full script would be to add the username,pass,x,y and the submit.

var xfield = document.createElement( ’input’ );
xfield.type = ’hidden’; = ’x’;
xfield.value = ’20’;
document.forms[0].appendChild( xfield );
var yfield = document.createElement( ’input’ );
yfield.type = ’hidden’; = ’x’;
yfield.value = ’20’;
document.forms[0].appendChild( yfield );


In the case of something that submits to script and then the script submits it, the following would be used.



Another example of a button used to submit the login form. It uses a ONCLICK.

<A class="toolbarbutton" id="Button1" ="__doPostBack(’Button1’,’’);
__EPHWC_tbbOff(this,false)" ="__EPHWC_tbbDown(this,false)"
onmouseout="__EPHWC_tbbOff(this,false)" ="__EPHWC_tbbOver(this,false)"
="__EPHWC_tbbOver(this,false)" style="" title="">
<IMG src="/eduphoria_webcontrols/images/clear.gif" style="filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader
(src=’/eduphoria_icon_images/nav_right_green.png’)"> Login</A>

The script would then be : __doPostBack('Button1',");document.forms[0].submit();


If the submit button is named submit, this may cause issues. We have to take the value of the submit, assign that to a new variable, then make a new function to submit the form.

The script would look like :
var b = document.forms[0].submit;
var submitFnc=document.forms[0].submit;
var x=document.createElement( "input" );
x.value="Sign In";document.forms[0].appendChild(x);


If there is a button for submit, and the back end server wants to see the value of the button being pushed (this may not work with ff):

input id="LoginButton" name="LoginButton" type="submit" value="Log In"
var submitFnc=document.forms[0].submit;
var x=document.createElement( "input" );
x.value="Log In";

An easier way is to try using server side SSO for forms like this.


An example of a form that the wizard will not pick up correctly.

< action="login.aspx" id="Form1" language="script" method="post" name="Form1" ="ValidatorOnSubmit();">

<INPUT name="__VIEWSTATE" type="hidden" value="dDwxNTQ1DLNHmkw=">
<INPUT id="ucStart__ctl0_txtLoginId" maxlength="25" name="ucStart:_ctl0:txtLoginId" style="width:125px;" type="text" value="130467">
<INPUT id="ucStart__ctl0_txtPassword" maxlength="25" name="ucStart:_ctl0:txtPassword" style="width:125px;" type="password" value="04671519">
<INPUT id="ucStart__ctl0_cmdLogin" language="script" name="ucStart:_ctl0:cmdLogin" ="if (typeof(Page_ClientValidate) == ’function’) Page_ClientValidate(); " type="submit" value="Login">

<SCRIPT language="script">
var Page_Validators = new Array(document.all["ucStart__ctl0_RequiredFieldValidator1"], document.all["ucStart__ctl0_RequiredFieldValidator2"]);
// -->

<SCRIPT language="script">
var Page_ValidationActive = false;
if (typeof(clientInformation) != "undefined" && clientInformation.appName.indexOf("Explorer") != -1) {
if ((typeof(Page_ValidationVer) != "undefined") && (Page_ValidationVer == "125"))

function ValidatorOnSubmit() {
if (Page_ValidationActive) {
// -->


The script would need to call the script function, then because the server WANTS to see the information from the LOGIN button click, we have to create an input element.
Set it to a hidden type.

Set the name to ucStart:_ct10:cmdLogin
Set the value to "Login"
We then append that variable to the form and then submit the form.

if (typeof(Page_ClientValidate) == ’function’) Page_ClientValidate(document.forms[0]);
currentElement = document.createElement("input");
currentElement.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
currentElement.setAttribute("name", "ucStart:_ctl0:cmdLogin");
currentElement.setAttribute("value", "Login");


If the form just has a login button like:

<tr id="LoginButtonRow" class="LoginFormRow">
<td id="LoginButtonCell" colspan="2">
<input type="submit" name="ctlLogin" value="Log In" id="ctlLogin" style="width:65px;" />

Then add this to the script:
currentElement = document.createElement("input");
currentElement.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
currentElement.setAttribute("name", "ctlLogin");
currentElement.setAttribute("value", "Log In");

Finish the script with document.forms[0].submit();


If you just need to set a value using script you can do the following :

document.getElementById( "L_lbsc_txtUserName" ).value = "username";
L_lbsc_txtUserName is the ID value in the input tag.
You must use this if the NAME attribute has $ in the name.


To set a checkbox you can do the following :
document.forms[0].login_type[1].checked = true;


Sometimes the form gets filled out but the publisher really wants you to putsh their button to login.
In the case of something like this :

<input value="" ="aspxBGotFocus(’mainCDARoundPanel_loginButton’)" name="mainCDARoundPanel$loginButton" type="submit" style="background-color:Transparent;border-width:0px;height:0px;width:0px;padding:0px;" /></td>

<script id="dxss_1630895435" type="text/script">

var dxo = new ASPxClientButton(’mainCDARoundPanel_loginButton’);
window[’mainCDARoundPanel_loginButton’] = dxo;
dxo.autoPostBack = true;
dxo.uniqueID = ’mainCDARoundPanel$loginButton’;


The script box would send : document.forms[0].mainCDARoundPanel$;
This triggers the script to perform a "Click" event.


Sometimes you need to pause before faking the submit button.
You can add a setTimeout with the name of the submit_button in "" and it will pause and then issues a Click

setTimeout( "document.getElementById(’login_submit’).click();", 5000 );

Another way is to use :
function sleep(milliseconds) {
var start = new Date().getTime();
for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {
if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds){

An example of just using the script box to define the variable, set the variable and then "click" the login button :

var userNameEdit = igedit_getById('ctl00$CPH1$LoginPanel$UserNameTextBox');
var passwordEdit = igedit_getById('ctl00$CPH1$LoginPanel$PasswordTextBox');
document.getElementById( "ctl00_CPH1_LoginPanel_LoginButton" ).click();

Another way to do the click is to use the following :;

Some Flash sites use part html for the login page. One such site was able to use a sso form like this to do the sso.

//var form = new FormData();
//form.append("userName", "@@enc:myuname@@");
//form.append("password", "@@enc:mypass@@");
//var xhrForm = new XMLHttpRequest();

if (window.XMLHttpRequest) // Standard object
xhrForm = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Firefox, Safari, ...
else if (window.ActiveXObject) // Internet Explorer
xhrForm = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
}"POST", "/company/login-auth.flex");
xhrForm.send("userName=" + encodeURI("@@enc:myuname@@") + "&password=" + //encodeURI("@@enc:mypass@@"));

xhrForm.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhrForm.readyState === 4) {
window.location = "/company/fx/home.flex";


******************webPass Only Tricks*******************
If you have a rolling variable like xyz-password where xyz is different every time you load the page you can add a script to the webPass form to set the variable like the following:
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName( "input" );
for( i=0; i < inputs.length; i++ ) {
      if( inputs[i].type ) {
            if( inputs[i].type == "password" ) {
                  inputs[i].value = "@@password@@";

You can also use a similar script for clicking a submit button that does not have an input id or input name with the following script if it has an input type of submit:
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName( "input" );
for( i=0; i < inputs.length; i++ ) {
      if( inputs[i].type ) {
            if( inputs[i].type == "submit" ) {

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