Once you have your new Java keystore file, copy the new keystore file into the /stoneware/config directory.
To find the exact keystore filename that your relays are configured to look for, look at your relay objects in the webAdmin Dashboard and check the CERTIFICATE SOURCE field.
Restart the webNetwork service on the server to active the new SSL Certificate:
- Browse to the 8090 Management Console of the server (
- Select the Settings tab, and click the Shutdown button to shut down the webNetwork service cleanly.
- Start the webNetwork service back up.
Windows Command Prompt: net start webnetwork
Linux Terminal Prompt: /etc/init.d/webNetworkctl start
Do this on all Unified Workspace servers.
It is best to shut down and try the new keystore on one server prior to copying it to all other servers.
*Make sure when exporting the PFX certificate, from IIS, you choose the option to export the entire certificate chain (root>intermediate>server).
If you do not, you will need to follow the following article to make sure your keystore has the
proper certificate chain.